Welcome To Senior Delhi School

Senior Delhi School is catering to primary, middle and senior classes. The School is well known for its commitment and determination towards delivering quality education and appropriate nurturance as per CBSE Standards to students.

Senior Delhi School has over 15+ centres. Our way of teaching involves the best methods available and helping learners become productive and responsible in this rapidly evolving world. We enable students to be seekers of academic knowledge and also grow overall in other spheres to make a mark in professional outlets, become socially aware, & create a bright future for themselves

Senior Delhi School is excelling in offering high-quality education at pocket–friendly prices. At Senior Delhi School we think and feel that education is better in the process when students become the centre of learning. We promote learning where the children work on projects in different subjects aiding their thirst for knowledge and making them participate in their learning. We at Senior Delhi School emphasize student participation by employing the inquiry-based approach. To acquire knowledge, students as inquirers identify and investigate problems and questions.

Our Features


It has become the need of the hour in our education system as it provides students access to knowledge and technology. At Senior Delhi School, for future endeavours, we incorporate STEAM starting at a young age as it can instil a passion and prepare individuals for tomorrow. Following the STEAM-based approach at school can help individuals to come up with new scientific discoveries and many technological innovations in the coming times.

Inquiry-based learning

At Senior Delhi School, we focus on inquiry-based learning which emphasises the student's participation in the learning process. Students are urged to study the subject, ask questions, and exchange ideas rather than having the teacher dictate what they should know. Small-group discussions and guided learning are two methods of instruction used in Schools based on inquiry-based learning.

Project-based & Activity - Based Learning

Project-based learning and activities are a great way for our students to have a hands-on experience. We encourage collaboration, cooperation and research in our educational framework, which teaches our students the art of respecting diverse opinions and builds on their conflict management, Assertiveness and presentation skills.

Multiple Intelligence Model

The curriculum is designed to address all the versatile forms intelligence takes. Howard Gardner’s eight types of Intelligences namely Spatial, linguistic, logical-mathematical, kinaesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalist elements are incorporated into a well-rounded curriculum, such that every student can excel at whatever he or she does best while improving any under-developed areas.

Our Program

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Student Centred Education

At Senior Delhi School we think and feel that education is better in the process when students become the centre of learning. The content, curriculum, and activities encompass the centre which is the child. At senior delhi school, we emphasise the role of students in their learning as it encourages better memorization and improves participation.

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Project-Based Approach To Learning

Project-based learning is best when it comes to learning for understanding, away from rote memorization and relying on textbooks. We promote learning where the children work on projects in different subjects aiding their thirst for knowledge and making them participate in their learning. We make them conduct research, group projects and enunciates their idea about various concepts.

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Inquiry Based Approach To Learning

We at Senior Delhi School emphasize student participation by employing the inquiry-based approach. To acquire knowledge, students as inquirers identify and investigate problems and questions. This method fosters curiosity in students, deepens understanding, increases students’ engagement and creates a love for learning.

Why Choose Us ?

Senior Delhi School has defined itself by delivering exceptional education at a reasonable cost. The Senior Delhi School lays stress on Play-based Learning. The curriculum is curated keeping in mind the Hands-On Approach and facilitators guide the students in the best way. Beginning from grade III, the focus is laid on Independent Learning.

In the Middle Stage, we follow the Inquiry-based Approach to learning. Students are given an interactive space to relate the textbook concepts with the real world outside. Several outdoor learning sessions, projects and collaboration with the social world are incorporated.

In the High School (or Secondary) Stage, practical learning, greater critical thinking, Children’s interests etc. are stressed. Students are exposed to high-level assessments other than written examinations like Group Researches, projects, and Presentations.

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